January 2023 News: Mexico Headhunters also available in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

Our company is currently expanding in Latin-America. Due to the successful introductions in Brazil and Mexico, we decided to expand to Chile and Argentina as well. We are now available in four countries:

Mexico: Mexico Headhunters => http://mexicoheadhunters.com.

Argentina: Headhunters Argentina => http://headhuntersargentina.com.

Chile: Headhunters Chile => http://www.headhunterschile.com

Brazil: Headhunters Brazil => http://headhuntersbrazil.com

In this way we try to facilitate international careers of Latin American executives and directors.

Article: How to make an excellent impression on headhunters? (Source: Business Week)

How to make an excellent impression on headhunters?

Why cold-calling is the wrong move and other advice so you can be on the radar of a top executive search firm

If you’re already getting the occasional call from a headhunter trying to lure you to a new management opportunity, congratulations: You’re obviously doing something right.

Maybe they’re calling because you’re a good source of market intelligence or because you’ve been instrumental in introducing them to powerful co-workers and peers. Ideally, they’re calling to entice you with an alluring career proposition. Even if that’s not the case, the fact that they’re calling you for any reason is because they know you’re plugged in and have potential. Rest assured, they never forget a favor. Continue reading